
I am an Associate Professor and Principal Research Fellow in the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Melbourne, Australia. I lead the Physical Appearance Research Team, a lab dedicated to understanding the myriad ways that physical appearance impacts upon our lives.

My team investigates body image, appearance-related stigmas and discrimination like weight stigma, appearance-enhancing substances like anabolic steroids, appearance enhancement strategies like cosmetic surgery, and appearance-related psychological disorders like eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia.

My research has received 14 international and national research awards, including the Rising Star award from the Association for Psychological Science, and the Victorian Young Tall Poppy of the Year from the Australian Institute of Policy and Science.

Research rigour and reproducibility is really important to me — all my research data, code, and materials are available on the Open Science Framework, and I pre-register my hypotheses and statistical analyses.

I have received ~4 million dollars in competitive research funding, including from the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Medical Research Future Fund, and the World Anti-Doping Agency. I have been supported by external fellowships and scholarships since 2013.

I have also designed and delivered interventions, workshops, and documents for a range of beneficiaries and health professionals, including students and educators, clinicians, policymakers, and the general public.